From Mageia wiki
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Para todas as outras organizações que fazem parte do sistema económico da Mageia. As seguintes empresas proporcionam serviços comerciais com ou software baseado no Mageia, ferramentas ou projeto.
Note que Mageia.Org não representa, valida, ou endossa estas organizações - este espaço é fornecido principalmente como uma referência - que e poderá ser redesenhado ou reindexado mais tarde à descrição do Conselho da Mageia.
[hide]Consultoria, treino, serviços de desenvolvimento
- hupstream - - We help businesses and people make the most out of Open Source: kernel expertise, packaging, build system, all base system components. We help our client to industrialise their use of Open Source. We are also part of some Open Source projects like Mageia, kernel, debian, ... We provide support on many distributions including Mageia.
- Open Source Software Assurance - - From Open Source Leader company ! Our mission : bug hunting, support, assistance and Open Source lifecycle management from Open Source experts !
- SIVEO - - SIVEO is an infrastructure automation software company; it is a young company creates innovative in November 2008. First French company labelled in the INTEL CLOUD Builder initiative for its eVA solution, SIVEO works with publishers, SSII, public and private accounts. SIVEO joins Mageia Follow us on twitter.
- Remy Services, LLC - - We offer remote and onsite computer maintenance and repair to help you with all your computer needs. Everything from virus or malware removal, data recovery, network installations, hardware installation, laptop repairs and general cleanup. Our recent work: Mageia Package QA Testing.
- GigaTux - Gigatux supports the latest Mageia stable version on demand
Empresas de Hardware
- ixsoft - (website in german) - Schorfheide / Altenhof - Selling laptop and desktop computers with (selectable) Mageia preinstalled
- - (website in French) - Brussels - Selling laptop and desktop computers with Mageia preinstalled
- Libre PC - (website in French) - Lyon - Selling laptop and desktop computers with Mageia installed
Reino Unido
- Ministry of Freedom - (website in English) - Essex - Selling laptop, desktop and server computers with Mageia preinstalled, along with a free/opensource BIOS called Libreboot
Empresas de Software
Outras além das que já são proporcionadas na distribuição.
Reino Unido
- BuyLinuxCDs - - DVD
- Be aware that this list may be out of date, in which case the representative of the mentioned company should advise or update the page with a clear and self-explanatory comment. Contact our Board or Council if you do not represent the involved company (see below).
- If your company provides services or products with or around Mageia software, for individuals or professionals, feel free to add yourself in this list, in the right country, in alphabetical order.
- If you think a company should not be listed here or think its description is no longer correct, but you are not its representative, do not remove or change its entry, but please contact our Board and Council, see Contacts, and explain your reasons.
- see this discussion thread in the Council's list.