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Packages to test

  • expat
  • lib[64]expat1

This script existed previously as a test for libxml2, but turned out to invoke 'expat'. To test expat you need some data and some python.

Save the follow python as

import xml.etree.ElementTree
x = xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree(file='testdata.xml')
allcases = x.findall(".//testcase")
cases = [c for c in allcases if c.get('classname') == 'TestOne' and
c.get('name') == 'VHDL_BUILD_Passthrough']

Save the following xml data as testdata.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites tests="10" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="0.001" name="AllTests">
  <testsuite name="TestOne" tests="5" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="0.001">
    <testcase name="DefaultConstructor" status="run" time="0" classname="TestOne" />
    <testcase name="DefaultDestructor" status="run" time="0" classname="TestOne" />
    <testcase name="VHDL_EMIT_Passthrough" status="run" time="0" classname="TestOne" />
    <testcase name="VHDL_BUILD_Passthrough" status="Tested OK" time="0" classname="TestOne" />
    <testcase name="VHDL_SIMULATE_Passthrough" status="run" time="0.001" classname="TestOne" />

Usage & expected output..

$ python
Tested OK

A stand-alone test can use: xmlwf - Determines if an XML document is well-formed. If all is well, no output.

$ xmlwf /etc/xml/catalog
$ xmlwf /etc/passwd
/etc/passwd:1:16: not well-formed (invalid token)