From Mageia wiki
This page is about Mageia 5 post-mortem.
All teams should add below things that should be improved but also the one that worked well and then we should keep.
Links to previous post-mortems:
Link to empty template postmortem:
What worked well that we should keep
What we should improve, how ?
release schedule + features
distributing critical knowledge
What worked well that we should keep
What we should improve, how ?
What worked well that we should keep
- Preparation of the Errata and using keywords in Bugzilla to keep track of that
- extensive documentation of UEFI installation in
- updating the installer and MCC documentation to mga5 at
- adding full documentation for ~20 most common languages
- The needed update for UEFI was added to our official manuals in time, in spite of the uncertainty there was for a long time about how it would work when Mageia 5 was released
- The wiki worked great to to keep track of "how does it work at this moment" between Mga4 and Mga5 release
- a great, new selectAndUseISOs2 page was created
- many other, not yet mentioned, updates to individual pages were done
- We have a nice cover for our PDFs now
- We figured out how to make the search button in the WebHelp publications visible for all languages
- Oops, may have forgotten to do that for recently added languages
- There was very little spamming in the forums
- the wiki translators very patiently put up with bad working circumstances
- lebarhon and papoteur are great team leaders
What we should improve, how ?
- the wiki needs to be upgraded and translate extension added
- it would be nice to have a Mageia server (VM) that diogenese has full access to (if he is still available), so could become full wiki sysadmin
- we need people with bureaucrat rights in our wikis
- we should always add the name of the person who improved or created an English file in Calenco, when pushing it to git, since we stopped adding that information in a comment in the file.
- We don't yet have all needed localised installer screenshots for Mga 5 (like of the changed choosePackageGroups screen)
- There are still many screenshots missing for MCC-help translations.
- We need a working stylesheet for our own PDF publications, instead of using the Calenco one we cannot even read (having our own one could help fix some bugs in our PDFs)
- we need to go over the docteam documentation again and archive or update where needed. Maybe add a signature + date at the top of each page for when it was last found to be up-to-date??
- we should ask pasmatt if he agrees with one of us helping with the mageia-doc (the packaged MCC and installer manuals) updates (some languages need to be added, and many languages have updates).
What worked well that we should keep
What we should improve, how ?
From what I've read, the only things the qa team has suggested changing, is reducing the number of iso images. Drop the dual-dvd, and livecd iso images and not setting fixed release dates, and just go with "When it's ready"
What worked well that we should keep
What we should improve, how ?
What worked well that we should keep
- Documentation page update process has been partly automated (1 script to download, 1 to patch files and deal with git commit)
What we should improve, how ?
- we are still lacking interaction within subteams (people who can write and people who make the website) --grenoya 14:09, 13 August 2015 (UTC)
- some responsibilities are not well defined between teams. For example: who's to organise events, local community or Atelier ? --grenoya 14:09, 13 August 2015 (UTC)
- Event organisation is indeed very lacking: we need to plan events ahead, and search for people in the local communities willing to be referent organisers. Atelier can help with the organisation, but can not take the full responsibility for the logistics, etc., as we can rarely attend the events ourselves. --akien 18 August 2015
- Without naming names, most of the marcom work seems to be done by only a couple of contributors; web subteam is also badly understaffed, and it makes Atelier work tiresome as a whole, especially when all active Atelier contributors are also active in other teams (dev, QA, doc and i18n). --akien 18 August 2015
- Add visibility to our existing artwork resources. We have a git repo that we haven't populated yet (on my long todo list), it could be used as a start. We need ready-to-use material for third party wanting to make publications about Mageia, etc. (so many of them still use the 2011 logo!). --akien 18 August 2015
- Website is good on the technical side, but webteam needs help with the content: a section should be made for newcomers to the Linux world, some old sections need to be reviewed ("contribute" still mentions data mining...). A graphical overhaul could also be a nice touch for the next release cycle, depending on our resources and motivation. --akien 18 August 2015
Things Mageia could host
- Mageia could host the artwork contest: it would be more visible and none could complain about having to subscribe to some commercial firm to post.
- We could host docteam test server and then automate a bit more main documentation page update.