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Presentation of the SVN repository

The repository is organised like showed below. The html file in placed at the root.

├── installer
│   ├── 2
│   │   ├── de
│   │   ├── el
│   │   ├── en
│   │   ├── eo
│   │   ├── es
│   │   ├── fr
│   │   ├── nl
│   │   ├── pt_br
│   │   └── uk
│   └── 3
│ .  ├── de
│ .  ├── el
│ .  ├── en
│ .  ├── es
│ .  ├── et
│ .  ├── fr
│ .  ├── nl
│ .  ├── pt_br
│ .  ├── ru
│ .  └── uk
└── mcc
└── 3
├── en
├── et
└── fr

Steps to update any part

1. collecte the new version of the documentation from

2. make sure your local copy of the repository is up to date:

 svn up

3. extract the zip file in the <manual>/<release>/<language> directory

4. commit the new version:

 svn ci -m"- new version of <manual> for <language>"

Modifications to do for a new release/manual/language

In the case you have to import a new content:

1. update the html file to add the new content to the list

2. create the repository (svn mkdir <manual>/<release>/<language> --parents)

3. unzip the content

4. commit both