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This document describes how to install Skype in Mageia Linux.

Microsoft's Skype software is not open source and subject to legal restrictions, that's why Skype itself is not available in the Mageia repositories.

Previously a Mageia get-skype package was available in the nonfree repositories which downloaded the software from the Microsoft website, but get-skype is no longer available.


As of Saturday 28th November 2023, Microsoft has changed the way they distribute skypeforlinux.
It is no longer available as an RPM. The new packaging method is to use Canonical's snap format.

The most recent updated version that sync_skype_urpmi would have installed is: skypeforlinux- from November 2023.
As of 8th February 2024, the latest version of skypeforlinux (available using snap) is:

This new distribution method has been noted in a post on reddit:
Title: "Skype for Linux distribution method change"

It is also found in a Microsoft forum:
Title: "Skype for Linux Updates"

Three observations:
Observation-1: Using sync_skype_urpmi for installing and updating skypeforlinux will no longer provide the latest version.

Observation-2: Mageia does not have a package for the Canonical "snap" packaging system.
There is discussion of the possibility of porting Canonical's snap in the Mageia forums but it is probably not going to happen.
Title: "[DONE] Support for SNAP packages?"

Linux distros with Canonical's snap available:

  • Arch Linux
  • Centos
  • Debian
  • Elementary OS
  • Fedora
  • KDE Neon
  • Kbuntu
  • Manjaro
  • Popl_OS
  • openSUSE
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Ubuntu

Observation-3: The new snap install method does not work on current Mageia.

Skype system requirements

At the time of writing this, there is a 64-bit version for Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuse, and Fedora but no 32-bit version for Linux.

Please note: Skype is Microsoft software and Microsoft does not support Skype on Mageia Linux.

The Linux version of Skype is still in beta!

For a list of requirements for using Skype please see this page:


You can either follow the manual steps shown below or use the script: sync_skype_urpmi .
The sync_skype_urpmi script will check for and automatically install any pending new Skype update every time it is run.

Bear in mind that as there is no official Microsoft urpmi repository for this version of Skype.
What sync_skype_urpmi does is make a local urpmi repository from downloaded copy of the current skypeforlinux RPM.

Automatic install

Run the sync_skype_urpmi script.

A key benefit of using sync_skype_urpmi is that it will only download and install if a new version of Skype for Linux is available.

These are the actions sync_skype_urpmi will do:

  1. Check for new version of skypeforlinux RPM and download if available
  2. Create a local urpmi repository "local_skype_urpmi"
  3. Check for package signing key for skypeforlinux RPM and install if needed
  4. Install or update skypeforlinux as needed (with an automatic alternative install if required)

So, you can, from time to time, just run sync_skype_urpmi as a non-root user to check for updates.

Manual install

Please note that the manual install procedure shown here (below) depends on using the dnf package system.

If you have installed Mageia using urpmi which is the original and default package system in Mageia then you need to take some extra steps to use dnf.

Also consider whether you want to mix up using both urpmi and dnf on the same system as there could be issues with keeping things consistent between urpmi and dnf.

If you choose to use urpmi the consider using the sync_skype_urpmi automatic install script as described here: Synchronize_local_skype_urpmi

Manual install step 1: download

Download rpm file from the Microsoft website:

Please be aware that the skype rpm is about 110 MB in size and may take some time to download depending on your network connection.

Manual install step 2: install

You can install this rpm with:

cd <path_to_where_you_saved_the_rpm>
/bin/sudo dnf install skypeforlinux-64.rpm

You can also install the rpm with urpmi, but it will not install the configuration for the Skype repository.

cd <path_to_where_you_saved_the_rpm>
/bin/sudo urpmi skypeforlinux-64.rpm

During the installation of the rpm, you may receive a warning:

Cannot find atd service

You can safely ignore this message, the at service should import the GPG key for the Skype mirror.

Manual install step 3: package signing key

This is the workaround for if the message "Cannot find atd service" is presented in te previous step.

/bin/sudo cp /tmp/skype.gpgsig* /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-Skype
/bin/sudo dnf update


Before trying Skype, check your webcam works OK using the cheese photo-booth application in Mageia.

You can check if you have cheese installed with:

rpm -q cheese && echo Cheese installed || echo Cheese not installed


[user@localhost Downloads]$ rpm -q cheese && echo Cheese installed || echo Cheese not installed
Cheese installed

Start cheese:


Verify web cam working.

Run Skype

Start Skype and login to your Skype account.


Try calling the Skype test service to check audio settings are correct.

Normally, when calling someone else in Skype you can have video chat, audio-only chat and can share your screen but it is worth checking these all work with a friend.

Skype only works with PulseAudio, this is the default setting in Mageia and can be changed via the Mageia Control Center.

If you have problems with the sound or microphone settings, check the Mixer settings of your graphical environment.

For instance in Gnome: System -> Preferences -> Sound, here you can find the microphone settings in the Input Tab. Make sure that you selected the correct device as an input device, if there are multiple devices available, just try them all.

Installing Pulse Audio Volume Control packages: pavucontrol (Gnome, XFCE etc.) or pavucontrol-qt (KDE) can also help adjust the settings.

Turning off Skype autostart on login

By default, Skype is configured to automatically start when you login to Mageia. It does this using a file: ~/.config/autostart/skypeforlinux.desktop

[user@localhost ~]$ nl -ba ~/.config/autostart/skypeforlinux.desktop
     1	[Desktop Entry]
     2	Name=Skype for Linux
     3	Comment=Skype Internet Telephony
     4	Exec=/usr/bin/skypeforlinux
     5	Icon=skypeforlinux
     6	Terminal=false
     7	Type=Application
     8	StartupNotify=false
     9	X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true

There are several ways to prevent the autostart of Skype when you login. The simplest is to:

  1. Click on Tools in the Skype menu bar (top of Skype window)
  2. Select and click on Settings in the tools drop down menu
  3. In the new Settings window, click on General
  4. Click on the toggle switch for Automatically Start Skype to switch it off

Verify the change:

[user@localhost ~]$ nl -ba ~/.config/autostart/skypeforlinux.desktop
nl: /home/user/.config/autostart/skypeforlinux.desktop: No such file or directory


Skype voice and video chat
MAQeia for Skype discussion

Change history

date editor change details
2011_12_25 Paul Blackburn first draft
2012_01_07 Paul Blackburn removed MIB package link and explained legal issue why Mageia does not include Skype software in Mageia urpmi sources
2012_10_07 Paul Blackburn updated install URL for version
2012_11_20 Paul Blackburn updated install URL for version with security update
2013_04_27 Paul Blackburn updated download link
2014_06_07 Paul Blackburn updated install URL for version
2014_06_24 Paul Blackburn updated install URL for version
2014_10_26 Paul Blackburn updated install URL for version
2017_05_03 Papoteur video no more functional
2017_05_05 Kristoffer Grundström Audio works now with 5.1 beta release
2017_11_09 Frederik Vos get-skype package not available any longer ? Official rpm works fine, audio / video / bots
2018_05_01 Paul Blackburn removed statement about 32 bit version because it is only available for 64 bit
2018_05_01 Paul Blackburn added section "Skype system requirements"
2018_05_01 Paul Blackburn moved intro text from "install" section to "introduction", added section "Step 1: download", separated install into "Step 2: install", renamed test as "Step 3: test", removed superflous "exit" from dnf install examples
2018_05_01 Paul Blackburn added: Appendix 1: "skype_dl_if_new" script to check for and install new version if available
2018_09_16 Paul Blackburn updated "skype_dl_if_new" script to display previous and new installed version numbers
2019_12_13 Paul Blackburn updated for mageia7, renamed script from "skype_dl_if_new" to "check-skype"
2020_03_02 Paul Blackburn added section about switching off Skype autostart on login
2021_03_11 Paul Blackburn updated for Mageia 8
2021_04_03 Paul Blackburn Corrected spelling "Turning", set correct section spacing
2021_08_05 Paul Blackburn command is now skypeforlinux (was previously skype)
2022_02_14 Paul Blackburn replaced references to check_skype script by sync_skype_urpmi
2022_02_14 Paul Blackburn removed Appendix-1 check_skype script and Appendix-2 workaround to update. No longer needed now that sync_skype_urpmi is available
2022_02_14 Paul Blackburn tidied up manual install replacing examples with /bin/su by /bin/sudo
2022_02_14 Paul Blackburn added section: Manual install step 3: package signing key
2022_03_28 paul Blackburn added explanation dnf/urpmi in manual install section